Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kyla being cute again

Well, I can't add a picture, because I am on Neya's computer. (She is living with us by the way...how fun! We LOVE having her here!) This will be a quick post...I will have to catch up better later.
This morning we all knelt down for prayer and Naomi was laying next to us. Kyla saw her and said, "Uh-Oh! Mimi! Prayer!" Then she scooted her little self next to Mimi and grabbed her hands held them folded together. Then she bowed her head over Naomi and said, "Wadoh, Wadoh, Wadoh" (Father, Father, Father) and helped Mimi "pray". It was adorable...I must admit that I was peeking through most of that prayer! :-) She kept it up until Naomi spit on her hands, then Kyla yelled "BUBBOWS!" (Bubbles...) she was pretty impressed with her baby sister's crazy skills!


  1. For sweetness! That girl is learning some great skills from some great examples I think! And how fun to have Shineah with you guys!!

  2. How cute! Your girls are adorable.

  3. That is so adorable!!!! Havelah I can't take it!! You are making me miss her more and more. That is just the sweetest thing ever. She is growing up so fast!...

    And yes... I had those exact same thoughts about Heavenly Father thinking the same of me whenever I think about the time gone. I just need to appreciate what I have now because some day I'll look back and say "If only I could be a mom of little babies again!"

  4. That's hillarious! Bubbows! I need to squish those little angels! (Me TOOOOOOO, Alma)

  5. Havelah!! You're a mom! I knew that you were, I just have not heard from your or seen you since your wedding! I was looking at Camille's blog and saw yours. How are you?! Your family looks sooo cute!!

  6. That is so sweet! i love to read those cute things that little kids do. :)
