Sunday, May 31, 2009

Elisha Lynn

Adam was so sweet and took Neya and me to see our baby sister's gravesite. It was so special to me, it has been a few years since I have been there, and there is such a peaceful spirit there. Over the years, Elisha has meant so much to me. I have felt her spirit near me time after time, and I am so thankful that she is my little sister.
I wanted to write a few of my memories about when she was born, while they are on my mind. 
I remember that day vividly, even though I was only a little girl. We stayed at Grandma Campbell's house, and all of our Aunts made me feel so special and beautiful. I remember wearing a necklace of my Aunt's and they let me take it to the hospital with me. Mom and Dad had talked to us and told us that Elisha probably would not live, so we were prepared for that, 
but I remember hoping that she would, and praying that she would. On our way to the hospital, they told us that she had passed away, and I was sad that I didn't get to meet her. 
But as soon as we walked into the room, and saw her and my Mama, I felt her spirit so strongly. I remember thinking, "I remember her. I know her." I wasn't sad at all, and maybe that was because I was a little child and didn't really understand. Or maybe it is because I was a little child, so I really DID understand. 
Over the years, during difficult decisions and lonely times, I felt her love and prayers lifting me. I love her so much, and have felt the blessing of being sealed to her. She has been one of my closest friends throughout the years. I love her and can hardly wait until we meet again. 
"Elisha, Elisha,
Some bright morning you'll greet me,
small and white, clean and bright,
you'll look happy to meet me.
Daughter of God may you learn and grow,
learn and grow forever.
Elisha, Elisha,
bless our family forever."
We love you, Elisha Lynn!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Thanks so much everyone who has been fasting and praying for Naomi! I went to the doctor yesterday, and she won't need surgery!!!   We are so relieved and grateful, her plates have not closed up and she is just fine. They still want her to wear a helmet for a few months, so we are in the process of looking into that, but her little head is just fine, and no danger of brain damage! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Ever since we fasted, I have just felt peace about it. I even TRIED to be worried yesterday before the appointment, thinking that I probably SHOULD be...but I couldn't worry. I just felt calm about the whole thing, and I know that was a blessing from Heavenly Father. Thanks for keeping her in your prayers. We sure love and miss all of you, and pray that the Lord is mindful of you and your precious families. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mothers Day Weekend

I don't have many pictures loaded, but I didn't want to wait to blog it! Last weekend, we got in the car to go fishing...and Adam just kept driving and driving...he took me to Winnemucca as a surprise for Mothers day! I got to spend Mothers Day with my Mama, and it was the BEST surprise EVER! He is so thoughtful! I wanted to cry when I found out where we were going. It was such a sacrifice for him to do that, since he is in school this summer, and had so much to do. Saturday was just PERFECT. I got to be with Mom and the girls for all of the day, and Dad and Jacob and Adam were able to be together a lot too. It was a dream come true for me, I have been wanting to visit them with Adam for so long now. 

We forgot Kyla's Jammies, so I found a clearance item at WalMart...BATMAN! Adam loved seeing his little girl dressed up like a boy...maybe the closest thing he will ever get to having a boy! :-) Kyla loved being there, and was so sad when we had to leave.  She loves her Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents so much. 

On the way home we were able to stop at Adam's family's home for a little while too, and that was so fun. The big downer is that while we were there, Kyla was feeling really sick and had a high fever. Adam his Dad and Dan were able to give her a blessing, and that was such a comfort. I love that they are ready, worthy, and willing to use the Priesthood to bless our lives.  I was so glad that she had had that blessing before the night was through. She and I were up most of the night, she had an EXTREMELY high fever. We almost took her in to the emergency room, and it was so scary. I kept feeding her popsicles and sponging her down, and trying to cool her off...and it was so sad to see her feeling so miserable. At about 2 in the morning, I had Adam come down and look at her to see if she needed to go in and we just didn't know. So he gave her another blessing, one of comfort since she was so upset. After that I felt at peace and she was able to calm down.
The power of the Priesthood is truly remarkable. I am so grateful that our Heavenly Father loves us enough to allow us to exercise our faith in behalf of our loved ones, and I am so thankful for a wonderful husband who does his best to honor his priesthood.

Speaking of faith, I was wondering if those of you who read this blog will pray for our little Naomi Lynn. Yesterday at her check-up, the Doctor was concerned that her head isn't growing correctly and referred us to Primary Childrens. If the diagnosis is right, she will need to wear a helmet and perhaps have surgery to correct the plates in her head so that her brain growth isn't prohibited. If you could remember her in your prayers, we would be grateful.
Sorry this was such a long post! So much going on...we love you all!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We went on a family vacation to Bryce Canyon a couple of weeks ago, and I am just barely getting around to blogging about it! It was so fun, just Adam and the girls and me. We loved having family time, hiking around, and playing at the park! Truth to tell, we think that Kyla enjoyed the slides at the playground more than she did anything else! :-)

Adam was such a trooper, carrying BOTH of the girls on our hikes...all I had to carry was the water and food, which was a good thing since I am so out of shape. Don't think that I would have made it very far with more weight! Kyla loved the backpack carrier that we got for her, and wasn't at all afraid of the height or anything!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kyla being cute again

Well, I can't add a picture, because I am on Neya's computer. (She is living with us by the fun! We LOVE having her here!) This will be a quick post...I will have to catch up better later.
This morning we all knelt down for prayer and Naomi was laying next to us. Kyla saw her and said, "Uh-Oh! Mimi! Prayer!" Then she scooted her little self next to Mimi and grabbed her hands held them folded together. Then she bowed her head over Naomi and said, "Wadoh, Wadoh, Wadoh" (Father, Father, Father) and helped Mimi "pray". It was adorable...I must admit that I was peeking through most of that prayer! :-) She kept it up until Naomi spit on her hands, then Kyla yelled "BUBBOWS!" (Bubbles...) she was pretty impressed with her baby sister's crazy skills!