Friday, March 20, 2009

So I started making this blog, and realized that we only have one picture with all four of us in sad is that? Debbie HELP!! :-) I will get with Tiff and figure out this whole blogging thing and take more pictures, and then maybe this stuff will be interesting to look at!


  1. Gay computers....I just left a comment and then it went away and didn't show up so here's try #2, blast it!

    Okay, great job on the blog, Havi! I don't know Adam's schedule but if you will all be home around 3:30-4:15 I could swing by before I head to my friends night! If that doesn't work, come out anytime and I would LOVE to take some cute family pictures of you all!

  2. I see Deeder's tummy! Oh, I wish I were there to blub it! And look at the lungs of little Naomi! You are all beautiful . . . well, except for Adam, of course. He is very, very handsome!

  3. comment disappeared, too. Deb-T and I must be related...
    Love your blog, Havelah!

  4. Cool! It will be good to hear updates!
