Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yeah for Dan and Nicole!!

Daniel and Nicole tied the knot last week!!! YEAH! We are so happy for them. We all adore Nicole, and are SO glad that she is a part of our family. It was so special to be able to be with them for their big day. Nicole looked absolutely beautiful, and Dan looked absolutely star-struck with her...and that is the way that it should be!

Grandma got all the little girls matching outfits for the wedding, and Dan and Nicole had a fun time trying to keep them all still long enough for a picture. Do you want triplets, Nicole?!

The guys...

The gals...

And more cute gals!

A big congratulations to both of you! Thanks for being such wonderful examples to all of us. We love you. 
PS I swiped the pics from Reni's blog...don't have any of our own yet! Thanks and sorry, Ren!


  1. We love to read about your little family. Robert doesn't know how to do this, so he wanted me to post this. "Being in Phoenix for five years, I have missed my three little Allen brothers weddings." We hope all is well. Your Phoenix family.

    Rob and Mary

  2. It WAS a good day wasn't it. I loved being your twinner :) And feel free to swipe pics whenever you want. I've done my share of swiping too ;)
