Thursday, October 8, 2009


Well it has been a LONG time since I have blogged...and so much has happened! I keep waiting until I get good pictures of everything...but that just may not happen so I will blog and just put whatever pictures I can on here!
Adam had ankle surgery and is finally healing up, he had to be on crutches for almost 2 months and a boot for another month...
Mimi has a helmet that she has to wear night and day to help her little noggin grow more correctly...we hope that she is almost done with it...we will find out next week.

Kyla is talking like crazy, and sings so cutely! I wish that I knew how to put videos on here...I would put one of her singing the "pempol" song (I love to see the Temple)
I am going back to school online! It feels so good to be studying and learning. I am studying Nutrition, and I am loving it! Adam is so sweet to make it possible for me to do that.
Kyla is turning TWO tomorrow, and we really just can't believe how quickly time is flying by...


  1. Havie, your girls are so sweet. I bet Kyla's song is so cute. It's so fun when they start to say things you can actually understand. I'm glad you get to take an online class. It feels good to keep improving! Love Ya

  2. I can't believe that Kyla is two! Wow! Naomi is as cute as ever with her little helmet. Love you lots! Love, Allie

  3. Such cute little girlies you have!!

  4. I love you, Havelah. You are such a good mommy, and I am grateful!
