Monday, March 23, 2009

The other day I got a bath ready for Kyla and then ran downstairs to grab something. I got distracted and she got sick of waiting for me...she jumped in, poopy diaper and all. Then she quickly decided that it wasn't as fun as it looked. Poor kid, she had to stand there waiting for us to take a couple of pictures before we took her out. The diaper changing was much less than pleasant after this...


  1. Ha ha...what a cute little wet thing! I, too, have made Braiden wait for me to take some pictures of him before I rescue him from whatever predicament he's gotten himself into - it's a mom thing, right? They make us giggle so often, how can we resist all the pictures?

  2. Kyla is a cute and funny little girl!! I just need to make it so she is not scared of me... :)

  3. Easily done Allie! Just come stay the night sometime and she will love you!!

  4. Hahahahaha!!!! That's funny. Oh, cute Kyla. Poopy diaper? Oh no! What a funny girl! Those pictures are precious!!
